John L. Bacon, D.D.S.
Your Dentist in Flagstaff Offers 3 Ways to Get Your Summer Smile
When you walked outside this morning, you probably noticed the cloudless blue sky and warmer-than-usual weather. Summer’s just around the corner and you’re excited to get out of the house and start making plans with your friends. You’d also like to meet new people and make a great first impression once you start going out […]
Treat Your Cold Sores with Laser Dentistry in Flagstaff
Do you get cold sores a lot, particularly when you’re stressed? You’re not alone. About half of Americans between the ages of 14 and 49 have the virus that causes cold sores. But what are cold sores? How can they be treated? And how on earth can a dentist help with your cold sores? Well, […]
Dental Implants in Flagstaff: Fighting 4 Ill Effects of a Missing Tooth
If you are missing one or more teeth, chances you are realize how it can affect your appearance. Maybe you’ve made adjustments to how you eat, speak, and smile to compensate for its loss. Maybe you even think you’ve figured out how to live without that tooth and thus avoid the need to replace it. […]
Restore Your Smile This New Year with Dental Implants in Flagstaff
This time of year is all about new beginnings, opportunities to make yourself and your life better. Why not get a brand new start on your smile? If you are missing teeth, now is the time to consider getting the best that dental restoration has to offer with dental implants in Flagstaff. Take advantage of […]
Missing a Single Tooth? Dental Implants In Flagstaff Are a Great Solution
If you’re one of the estimated 178 million Americans who has lost at least one tooth, you have some decisions to make. There are several replacement options available, and which one is best for you depends on multiple factors, including how many teeth need to be replaced. And although you might be tempted to leave […]
Give Yourself the Gift of Teeth Whitening in Flagstaff
Are you “dreaming of a white Christmas”? Bing Crosby was describing his desire for a snowy holiday in the classic Christmas song, but he could have been singing about wanting the dazzling white smile of his dreams. The holidays are always filled with festive parties and family photos, so now is the perfect time of […]
Dentist in Flagstaff Explains Why It’s Time to Use Dental Benefits
Dental insurance makes paying for dental care easier and more affordable, but that doesn’t mean everyone makes an effort to visit. According to the American Dental Association, the average American only uses $323 of their dental benefits. Considering that the average annual maximum for dental insurance plans hovers around $1,250, people are regularly wasting hundreds […]
Breaking the Myths about Dental Implants in Flagstaff
Although new advancements in dentistry have made it possible to preserve natural teeth for longer than before, tooth loss is still a common problem. If you have found yourself among the 120 million Americans who are missing at least one, you have probably heard about the benefits of dental implants in Flagstaff. While you know […]
Welcome Back to School from the NAU Dentist that Students Trust
Welcome home, NAU students! We love this time of year here at Flagstaff Downtown Dental, as being so close to the Northern Arizona University campus really brings an exciting feeling to the air. (We are walking distance from NAU). As the dentist NAU students trust, we offer a full list of services from the comfort […]
Summer Is the Perfect Time to Visit Your Dentist in Flagstaff
You might have a lot on your family calendar this summer. Maybe you’re planning to take a vacation, spend a day hiking in the San Francisco Peaks(the forest is open!) and attend your cousin’s wedding. And, of course, you’ll have to prepare to send the kids back to school. But in all the delightful, sunny […]